May 13-14, 2006
As always, a special thanks to Nolan Blaschke for allowing all of us to have fun on his exotic deer ranch. Many thanks to my co-TD John Blaschke for all his tireless efforts in making this a success. A special thanks to all those who came out and lent a hand in setting up the field – some came out more than once. Thanks goes to: Tom Barker, Greg Petrosky, Ron Harder, Steve Jurek, Mike Holman, Victor Legler, Ken and Lou Eilers, Norm McCord, Dale Garner, Deidra Dufault, and to Janet Lesak and Kathy Adams for doing the administrative work on the day of the event. If I forgot anyone, send me a note and jog my memory as any omissions were unintentional.

Thanks to the Colorado County JOAD club for creating T-shirts for the event. This was a first ever and there are several shirts still available. They are really cool as they display the archery course on the back of the shirt to insure that no one could possible get lost on the course. Contact Janet Lesak.  

Shirt Graphics: 


The weather cooperated and it was dry. It was also hot and it was windy, very windy. One of the very few field shoots that has wind affecting the scores. We will make an extra special effort to move this event away from Mothers Day next year. We normally have the state field two weeks following the Texas Shootout to allow for field set-up but if we have to go back-to-back weekends, then we will do so to allow the moms to have that day for themselves and give “permission” to the dads to come play archery.

When some of the kids send in their special stories from this years state field, we will add them to the report. In the meantime, I will add my funny moment.

Target #5 is an uphill 20 meter shot. I aimed at the upper left face. I set the site CORRECTLY but still managed to shoot the arrow OVER the target. Dale Garner said he could see it climb for as long as his eyes could see it. We briefly looked for it after scoring but another group was behind us. Later Saturday afternoon, due to the kindness of Richard Locke, Lynnette and Andy True, we went back to #5. Richard stood adjacent to the target, Andy was adjacent and part way down the hill and Annette hid behind target #6 down in the mud flats. I used an older ACE arrow with a hidden crack in it that I considered expendable. When I shot over the target, Richard dropped his raised hand to signal to Andy who did the same for Lynette and all three got a good bead on the flight of the arrow. Not only did it clear the near tree tops but went clean over a couple more tall trees on the far hill almost 150 yards away. There are many hollows out there and we combed them for over half an hour. Finally Andy gave a shout and we climbed up-and-down many hills and found the expensive X-10 shaft sticking in the side of the hill almost 375 yards away. We never bothered to look for the ACE arrow – maybe another day. Thanks to the three hardy archers who helped me find my “briefly” lost X-10.

As always, if anyone finds an error in the results, please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible but I “tried” to interpret the hieroglyphic score cards as best I could.

Rick Stonebraker

From the peanut gallery:

Clayton shot at a gopher at (about target 17, neither of us can remember exactly where, I’m sure Tom can tell you exactly where.) He missed. However, Colby Hensel, shot and killed the gopher on Sunday, there is a (cross) tombstone at the site. Clayton shot and killed a gopher on Target 2 or there about on Sunday. We really enjoyed the course this year. Very enjoyable. A good way to enjoy Mother’s Day weekend with my kids!!!!



I enjoyed the 2006 State Field Championship, especially getting to meet some really nice people. Getting to shoot with great archers like Debbie Krienke and Staten Holmes was a special treat. On Sunday towards the end of the day our foursome noticed something unusual. It looked like a prankster had placed a 3D target next to our target. But, since we were at Blaschke’s Exotic Deer Ranch we knew that there was another possibility. Sure enough, when Jordan Brown’s first arrow hit the 5 ring, the 3D target …er, the deer took off! 

Note: The photo in the photo gallery shows an exotic deer standing right beside the target when the shot was taken.
Norman McCord


* denotes new records (16).  Sat  SunTotal
Master 60+ Compound Male       
Don Morgan117116233124121245478
Master 50+ Compound Male       
Larry Anika123116239133127260499
Master Guest Compound Male       
Chon Gonzales159161320160148308628
Mike Reynolds156151307DNF
Master 50+ Recurve Ladies       
Liz Adams68*621306765132*262*
Senior Recurve Male       
Staten Holmes164161325*164158322647*
Greg Petrosky103130233144131275508
Norman McCord1041142188294176394
Rick Stonebraker139141280dnf
Senior Compound Ladies       
Lannette True119126245110124234479
Senior Recurve Ladies       
Debbie Krienke125143264127137268532
Sage Adams7811619310999208401
Senior Compound Male       
Adam Guggisberg171172343168171339682
Jeff Krienke161167328173173346674
Michael Gonzales165164329170171341670
Ron Harder166163329148166314643
Richard Locke160163323147162309632
Mark Lesak161156317154141295612
Dale Garner144153297153158311608
Andy True158156314139153292606
Joe Human134142276156145301577
Kelly Kennedy***165151316316
Junior Compound Ladies       
Holly Heinsohn144141285143143286571
Junior Compound Male       
Joseph Human163154317164*161325*642*
Junior Recurve Ladies       
Lyndsey Marzec113120223115130245478
Junior Recurve Male       
Jordan Brown122113225235
Cadet Compound Ladies       
Meagan Lesak129155284157159*316600
Cadet Compound Male       
Benjamin Human172*171343*168169337680*
Justin Locke155149304149147296600
Shelby Hensel135132267123156279546
Bryce Brown121131252147120267519
Cadet Recurve Ladies       
Kayla DeBord98116214127115242456
Jory Schroeder110124234100114220454
Alicia Jurek77551328175156288
Cub Compound Male       
Clayton DeBord154158312151164315627
Claude Tomlinson97111208106125231439
Cub Recurve Male       
Alex Jones121111232119126244476*
Cub Recurve Ladies       
Diana Jurek5637934761108201
Bowman Compound Male       
Chad Lesak151156307160*152312*619*
Thomas Human127143270140151291561
Colby Hensel140134274123145268542
Bowman Recurve Male       
Patrick Phelps79941736769126299
Bowman Compound Ladies       
Jessica Tomlinson116110226104104208434