• State Field Championships 2010

    2011 TSAA State Field Championship Summary
    By TD Rick Stonebraker 

     * New record  (previous records)
    Master 70+ Compound    154295548
    Don Morgan129115244125118244488
    Master 60+ Recurve Gentlemen    3754106
    Michael Hersey94*118*212104105209*421
    Master 50+ Barebow Gentlemen    122235469
    Rick Stonebraker130*131*261130131261*522
    Master 50+ Recurve Gentlemen    160317625
    Earle Bateman IV143160303154*161315618
    Master 50+ Compound Gentlemen    188368720
    Donnie Hughes170172342162168330672
    Richard Locke153152305152148300605
    Greg Haynes135118253113111224477
    Chris Faidley111117228117103220448
    Joe Human1541633171310131dnf
    Master 50+ Compound Ladies    nprnprnpr
    Linda Johnson9997*196*10492196*392
    Adult Compound Gentlemen    199390773
    Adam Guggisberg195199*394184192376770
    Benjamin Human174178352166182348700
    Ethan Butemeyer179173352174170344696
    Jesse Johnson172176348169168337685
    Shawn Gaskamp106126232119139258490
    Kenneth Webb117111228119119238466
    Peter Johns (Guest)161171332156168324656
    Adult Recurve Gentlemen    175347679
    Mike Hojnacki143146289155149304593
    Max Sera141155296140146286582
    Adult Recurve Ladies    161311620
    Savanah Alvarez (Guest) Sat7463136000136
    Amber Windham (Guest) Sat50459500095
    Adult Barebow Gentlemen    162308609
    Tim Mundon145133278136149285563
    Junior Compound Ladies    161320617
    Victoria Haynes114144258129129258516
    Junior Compound Gentlemen    189376748
    Hunter Barthels*190178368167178345713
    Justin Holcomb140129269135161296565
    Zachary Webb118126244110123233477
    Cadet Compound Ladies    173319630
    Allison Williams157163320155168*323*643
    Christina Haynes151137288157145302590
    Heather Simpson (Sun)000102131233233
    Cadet Compound Gentlemen    182358709
    Cody Garrett151159310141162303613
    Thomas Dentler118150268141126267535
    Cadet Barebow Ladies    nprnprnpr
    Mackenzie Schrade*2510*35111425*60
    Cub Recurve Ladies    159308600
    Elizabeth Haynes130124254127135262516
    Heather Barthels94931878588173360
    Cub Barebow Ladies    131240471
    Courtney Simpson (Sun)0006121818
    Bowman Recurve Ladies    180348665
    Holly Gaskamp889818612095215401
    Bowman Recurve Gentlemen    156310597
    Daniel Gonzales134139273134138272545
    Bowman Compound Ladies    179346674
    Addie Koliba130141271129127256527
    Bowman Compound Gentlemen    173342668
    Matthew Holcomb173177350175*184*359*709
    Tristan Frerich170167337173171344681
    Yeoman Recurve Gentlemen    nrnrnr
    Kyle Gaskamp52541067163134240
  • State Field Championships 2010

    2010 TSAA State Field Championship Summary
    By TD Rick Stonebraker 

    2010 State Field Wrap-Up
    What a wonderful weekend! We had a lot of newbie’s this year and glad to have them and hope they return. The weather on the second day was as cool as could be and very much appreciated by all. Many hours and days go into setting up this temporary state field event and it is not possible without the assistance of the TSAA members who come out on various weekends to do whatever it takes to make this event possible. Even to the point of cutting vines at the base of hundreds of cottonwood trees that choke the life out of them; and no one came away unscathed without the itching that comes along with poisonous vines. But, it has to be done and more of that needs to be done but our work parties are more than work. It is an opportunity to come out, be among friends, BBQ, bring your favorite weapon as we blow up things. In the evening, we watch across the prairie as hundreds of exotic deer graze.
    Speaking of exotic, on the Wednesday just before the event, John and I lassoed a five-foot alligator to get it out of harms’ way and the morning of the event, Ed Vargas nearly stepped on a rattlesnake. It was killed and grilled for lunch. Gina said it was good!

    A major thanks to Nolan Blaschke for his generous support of his land and the use of his enormous LODGE for lodging, dining, and restroom facilities. When I say thanks, it is not me personally (although I certainly appreciate help) but it is the archery community that says thanks to all who come out to make this a huge success. And those who stay afterwards to disassemble the course and put it away for next year. Too many to name there but their assistance is appreciated.

    Many records were set this year, especially the Master 50+ barebow division. Both gentlemen broke all the previous records. It is always a shame when one breaks the current records but comes in second place. That shows competitive spirit and character.

    Thanks to the 40 participants from the South Texas Archery club or customers of Straight Arrow Archery Learning Center. Without these young archers, archery cannot grow. “Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?”

    In rodeo, they give out the “Hard-Luck” award to a cowboy or cowgirl who takes the biggest tumble during the rodeo. A “Hard-Luck” award goes to Roderick Ambrose this year. This courageous stroke survivor took a major tumble on this not-so-kind course, got back up, dusted himself off, completed the round on Saturday and came back on Sunday to finish the event; that takes tenacity and guts. Way-to-go Rod!  You the man!  Too many stories to write down so hope to see you all next year. 

    Rick Stonebraker – Tournament Director

    Comments from others attending:

    “Great Job!!!This was are first time to shoot Field.My son had a wonderful time.Thanks for all the hard work.This is his first year shooting TSAA & JOAD so we are learning.Thanks again, Staci Frerich”

    2010 TSAA STATE FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP – May 8-9, 2010RoundSATRoundSUN 
    28 new records established* New record  (previous records)
    Master 60+ Recurve Gentlemen    000
    Rod Ambrose2824523717*54*106
    Master 60+ Barebow Gentlemen    137273519
    Skip Trafford139123262129*143272*534
    Master 50+ Barebow Gentlemen    67119251
    Mel Sowell114120234*122113*235*469
    Randy Koopman1141142289697193421
    Master 50+ Compound Gentlemen    185368720
    John Scroggins170175345180*188*368713
    Joe Human178169347170170340687
    Greg Haynes119131250121106227477
    Chris Faidley739917293108201373
    Adult Compound Gentlemen    199390773
    Benjamin Human178184363191187378741
    Jesse Johnson181178359182171353712
    Keith Vinson170175345175172347692
    Ed Vargas148139287163171334621
    Mark Lesak132155287137143280567
    Shawn Gaskamp136118254142130272526
    Kenneth Webb111126237122113235472
    Brian Knezek (Guest)158165323nanana323
    Adult Recurve Gentlemen    175347679
    Earle Bubba Bateman155157312164160324636
    Mike Hojnacki147148295156154310605
    Max Sera  (sat only)138149284nanana284
    Adult Recurve Ladies    161311620
    Amy Miller (Sun)nanana11181192192
    Adult Barebow Ladies    121229408
    Charlene Trafford110115225107119226*451
    Jenny Strobbe (Sun only)nananajustshotforfun
    Adult Barebow Gentlemen    151299584
    Tim Mundon142152293146*162*308*601
    Vincent Zunker1029619811695211409
     Junior Recurve Ladies    139273541
    Rachael Trafford127108235138126264499
    Junior Compound Ladies    159300598
    Meagan Lesak151146297*161159*320*617
    Junior Compound Gentlemen    189376748
    Hunter Barthels157163320162160322642
    Justin Locke162149311157160313624
    Cadet Recurve Ladies    155291565
    Heather Trafford150130280153149*302*582
    Cadet Recurve Gentlemen    135258492
    Daniel LeBlanc (sat only)107102209nanana209
    Cadet Compound Ladies    159318622
    Victoria Haynes  154157311*173146*319*630
    KayLeigh Rogers142154296160148308604
    Allison Williams142151293155132287580
    Cadet Compound Gentlemen    182358709
    Zachary Webb160155315148154302617
    Chad Lesak136149285155167322607
    Thomas Dentler120145265142151293558
    Cody Garrett127117244132129260504
    Cub Recurve Ladies    159305571
    Miriam Trafford142141283142142284567
    Elizabeth Haynes 108112220116122238458
    Cub Recurve Gentlemen    162255476
    Collin Klimitchek131128259142146*288*547
    Vlad Roush1826447263277
    Cub Compound Gentlemen    197391772
    Rowdy Zunker174172346188165353699
    Colton Knipling141149290157172329619
    Thomas Followwill 155163318143146289607
    Justin Holcomb143133270133119257528
    Zachery Brister12498222120130250472
    Bowman Recurve Ladies    180348665
    Heather Barthels91103194109109218412
    Holly Gaskamp84871716872140311
    Bowman Recurve Gentlemen    156310597
    Mitchell Green899118010490194374
    Bowman Compound Ladies    179346674
    Adriana Zunker147161308162157319627
    Bowman Compound Gentlemen    169331645
    Tristan Frerich163163326169*173*342*668
    Wyatt Koricanck134136270160172313583
    Calvert Green104121225125124249474
    Matthew Holcomb6693159106122228387
    Tanner Koricanek54591135979138251
    Dustin Bennett (Sat only) 115109224nanana224
    Bowman Barebow Gentlemen    122242470
    Hardy Trafford101106207114*148*242450
  • State Field Championships 2009

    Another successful field shoot, but then again, when it is at the Blaschke Deer Ranch with hundreds of exotic deer roaming the woods, and archers bounding hill & dale having a good time, how can it not be successful. When all was said and done, 61 archers participated in the 27th annual state field championship and the eighth time it has been held at the deer ranch. 37 records were broken and the 61 archers is a near record turnout being surpassed only by 62 in 2004 and 63 in 2008. 2010 should be a record breaker as the field event may move into late April. Be there to make it happen.

    Adding to the success was a first, actually two firsts. The first first was the Victoria JOAD club (head chef Tom Barker) having a concession stand featuring freshly grilled hamburgers and hot dogs along with assorted drinks, chips and the like. This was highly received and met with everyone’s approval and hope it will become a mainstay.

    The second first was a great idea: Mr. Cliff Brister brought popsicles each day in a Styrofoam container chilled with dry ice. Warnings were given to wait a few minutes before “enjoying” as they were VERY cold; even then, someone took a big lick and got stuck. A close-by group of archers “donated” their water bottle to pour over the frozen treat and the lips of the stuck person. It was hilarious; then minutes later, thinking enough time had elapsed, I got one of the frozen treats stuck to my lower lip; and yes, there is a photo of that on the photo gallery. John Blaschke drove Mr. Brister and the frozen treats around the course and people enjoyed the cool treat while battling the high heat. Without keeping accurate records over the years, it was thought this was the hottest it has been at the field event in Eagle Lake but our archers are real troopers and no one succumbed due to the heat. John made sure there were ample barrels of water and gator-ade throughout the course.

    I can’t thank enough, the people that made this possible, especially those who came to the work parties and gave many hours, even days of their time. The True family of Andy, Lanette, Claude, Jessica and Andrew spent three Saturdays helping whip the place into shape and also the Friday before. Our President, Mike Hojnacki spent an equal number of days as well. Co-director John Blaschke works behind the scenes with mowing and numerous other unglamorous chores. Without the support of these types of people, we cannot have such successful events. And to those archers & family who hang around after Sundays events to help take down the course. Days and weeks go into preparing the course and dismantling it takes a few hours. It is an amazing event!   RWS

    If there are any errors, edits or changes needed in the results table, contact Ricks@texasarchery.org

     * New record  (previous records)
    Master 50+ Barebow Gentlemen    5998186
    Virgil Knowlton6567*1325564119*251*
    Master 50+ Compound Gentlemen    185368720
    Richard Locke175166341169170339680
    Stan Rodgers162157319173158331650
    Joe Human146158304161165326630
    Shelby Fischer152152304134130264568
    Larry Anika135123258000dnf
    Adult Compound Ladies    155298580
    Jennifer Holmes155159314*147161*308622*
    Lanette True141138279151146297576
    Megan Lesak (guest)146147293160146306599
    Adult Compound Gentlemen    196389766
    Adam Guggisberg191199*390*191192383773*
    Cope Bailey176178354184182366720
    John Scroggins184184368160181341709
    Andy True174163337170162332669
    Kelly Kennedy17090260000dnf
    Giovanni Pascascio118132250000dnf
    Matt Allen11285197000dnf
    Mark Lesak (guest)153161314164155319633
    Shelby Hensel (guest)115120235158137295530
    Shawn Gaskamp (guest)971202178498182399
    Kenneth Webb (guest)106115221000dnf
    Adult Recurve Gentlemen    155302604
    Staten Holmes172175*347*171161332679*
    Max Sera154168322158165323645
    Mike Hojnacki155139294148137285579
    Ed Ringel126134260139125264524
    Kevin Barker (Sat only)112117229000229
    Adult Barebow Ladies    118227400
    Charlene Trafford8396179121*108229*408*
    Adult Barebow Gentlemen    150299584
    Skip Trafford146137285151*135286571
    Ed Vargas (Sun only)00037498686
    Andrew Howard6184145000dnf
     Junior Recurve Ladies    139269494
    Kayla DeBord136137273*134134268541*
    Jory Schroeder12110522610397200426
    Megan Knowlton80541349492186320
    Junior Compound Gentlemen    170338673
    Benjamin Human185187372189*187376*748*
    Travis Cavazos182185367170174344711
    Justin Locke160156316165157332648
    Cadet Recurve Ladies    130252468
    Heather Trafford136138274155*136291*565*
    Rachael Trafford137141278136145281559
    Allison Williams105851909078168358
    Cadet Recurve Gentlemen    135258492
    Michael Xu104108212101132233445
    Colton Fischer60521127662138250
    Cadet Compound Ladies       
    Tori Haynes (Sat only)114115229000229
    Cadet Compound Gentlemen    177348672
    Nick Hoganson176182*358*170181351709*
    Clayton DeBord163161324163176339663
    Thomas Human166147313156165321634
    Claude Tomlinson140126266160151311577
    Colby Hensel (guest)152143290133142275570
    Chad Lesak (guest)145123268137132269537
    Cub Recurve Ladies    159305571
    Christina Haynes (Sat only)1097116000116
    Cub Recurve Gentlemen    78155301
    Andy Xu92*441148685171*285
    Collin Klimitchek (Sat only)125134259000259
    Cub Compound Gentlemen    176351678
    Trevor Rogas189192381194197*391*772*
    Zachery Brister157155312160136296608
    Cody Garrett (Sun only)000113129242242
    Zach Webb (guest)146127273000dnf
    Cub Compound Ladies    168335651
    Jessica Tomlinson135142277115148263540
    Bowman Recurve Ladies    147287535
    Miriam Trafford161156317168180*348*665*
    Holly Gaskamp709016096102198358
    Elizabeth Hayes (Sat only)133110243000243
    Bowman Compound Ladies       
    Ashley Rogas179*165344*172158330674*
    Bowman Compound Gentlemen    169330645
    Colton Knipling160151311169!162331*642
    Bowman Recurve Gentlemen    81158291
    Hardy Trafford115113228120122*242*470*
  • State Field Championships 2008

    State Field Championships 2008

    Notes From The Tournament Director 

    Tournament Director’s Summary: Needless to say, those that did not attend this event missed out. The attendance was record setting and the weather was as good as it gets this time of year. By all those that made comments, they said it was a very good layout and challenging. We had about 26 newbies this year and by all indications, they said they would return. 

    I personally would like to thank everyone that pitched in to make this event such a success. Some spent Saturdays helping out, others one day and countless others several hours of their time – all is very much appreciated BECAUSE it is YOUR tournament. An old Amish saying: “Many hands make light work!” Every year I am amazed that it takes about 100 people hours to set up this field and ONLY two hours to take it down. You have to see this to believe it. All new records were broken as FITA changed the target scoring. The “X” ring in the center of the yellow is now scored as a 6 instead of a 5-X. An ATTABOY goes to Mike DeBord for not only spending a Friday helping out but sacrificing both Saturday and Sunday to assist scoring, carrying bows and pulling archers up and downs hills for a special group of people. 

    The True family spent two entire Saturdays in preparation for this event. Kudos also goes to Mike, Tom, Bruce, Greg, Rod and I hope I didn’t forget anyone. Thanks to T.J., Brandi, Denise and Lu for doing registration and miscellaneous paperwork. 

    And we couldn’t do anything without Nolan Blaschke for allowing us to play at his property for the last seven years. And I couldn’t do any of this without the help of co-director John Blaschke. 

    The highlight of the event was early Friday morning while setting up. I was taking care of details when I spotted movement in the underbrush. Upon closer examination, I saw a baby goat, less than 12 hours old. It was born the evening before and was curled in a tight little ball. He raised its head to look at me and I stroked its nose. That made my whole weekend. That photo will be in the gallery soon to be on the webpage with the rest of the photos. 

    Gaylon Blankenship traveled 6 ½ hours from Oklahoma for the sixth time in seven years. Seven archers trekked in from Shreveport, La. Tim Mundo from England (currently working in Houston) competed with world class scores in preparation for the NAA nationals and a repeat berth on the British National Team to compete at the upcoming World Field Championship. Adam Guggisberg, Clayton DeBord, and Kayla DeBord made it seven for seven. Meagan and Mark Lesak shot one day so that makes 6 ½ years out of seven. 

    The opening ceremony was unique as music to the Star Spangled Banner was superbly provided by Rachael and Heather Trafford. To those not familiar with field shooting, archers are formed into groups of 3-4 and sent to an assigned target on the course. At a predesignated time, a signal is provided to start competition. This is called a “Shotgun” start. Variations include an air horn, or car horn, or fireworks etc. 

    This year, a 200-pound cannon started the event. Anyone within 100 yards could feel the earth shake and sound concussion AND set off car alarms in the parking lot. 

    And as always, please send any edits, deletions or corrections to me and I will get it fixed as soon as possible. Thank you and see you again next year. Rick Stonebraker 

    Master 70+ Compound  Gentlemen       
    Morgan, Don128124252154*142295*548*
    Master 60+ Compound Gentlemen       
    Meyers, Tom185*169354*171170341695*
    Master 60+ Barebow Gentlemen       
    Frizzell, Mike120126246136137*273*519*
    Master 50+ Barebow Gentlemen       
    Knowlton, Virgil59*3998*484088186*
    Master 50+ Compound Gentlemen       
    Blankenship, Gaylon184168352185*183368*720*
    Locke, Richard176156332177168345677
    Anika, Larry D.117101218131121252470
    Master 50+ Recurve Gentlemen       
    Petrosky, Greg102103*205*10370173378*
    Norm McCord80901709567162332
     Senior Recurve Ladies       
    Meyers, Teresa143142285149*138287*572*
    Senior Compound Ladies       
    True, Lannette143139282155*143298*580*
    Senior Compound Gentlemen       
    Guggisberg, Adam194183377193196*389*766*
    Loesch, James174170344180193373717
    Scroggins, John174175349185175360709
    Human, Joseph169157326179182361687
    Kennedy, Kelly163172335172180352687
    True, Andy153165318179177356674
    Human, Joe133148281150159309590
    Hemphill, Kenneth (Guest)170171341184177361702
    Crutcher, Byron (Guest)135121256143131274530
    Senior Recurve Gentlemen       
    Bateman, Bubba150152302*147155*302604*
    Hojnacki, Mike135133268136138274542
    Jones, Bobby137114251129143272523
    Ringel, Ed100102202120117237439
    Senior Barebow Ladies       
    Trafford, LiPing109118*227*8093173400*
    Senior Barebow Gentlemen       
    Trafford, Skip150*149299*148137285584*
    Mundon, Tim (Guest)171169340148155303643
    Note: The scores shot by LiPing Trafford, Skip Trafford and Tim Mundon on Saturday denote an official unmarked round according to FITA rules.
    AR Compound Open Gentlemen       
    Patrick, Michael 150143293150155*305*598*
     Junior Recurve Ladies       
    DeBord, Kayla112113225139*130269*494*
    Schroeder, Jory106106212114130244456
    Junior Compound Gentlemen       
    Human, Benjamin169169338*165170*335673*
    Locke, Justin165149314164158322636
    Brown, Bryce115126241111108219460
    Junior Recurve Gentlemen       
    Sera, Max139146*285146141287*572*
    Cadet Recurve Ladies       
    Trafford, Rachael12096216122130*252*468*
    Knowlton, Megan89741638883171334
    Cadet Recurve Gentlemen       
    Xu, Michael135*123258*118116234492*
    Cadet Compound Gentlemen       
    DeBord, Clayton162162324173175348*672*
    Hoganson, Nick154149303177*163340643
    Tomlinson, Claude132124256160144304560
    Cub Recurve Ladies       
    Trafford, Heather128136264146145291571*
    Williams, Allison122116238146159*305*543
    McCary, Kelly75761517763140291
    Cub Recurve Gentlemen       
    Xu, Andy7778*155*7670146301*
    Cub Compound Gentlemen       
    Human, Thomas166161327175176*351*678*
    Sizemore, Taylor173163336171151322658
    Barthels, Hunter144133277153149302579
    Dentler, Thomas129128257129134263520
    Crutcher, Dylan (Guest)134131265150151301566
    Bowman Compound Ladies       
    Tomlinson, Jessica161155316167168*335*651*
    Bowman Recurve Ladies       
    Trafford, Miriam118130248140147*287*535*
    Barthels, Heather947416858101159327
    Gaskamp, Holly5035855977136221
    McCauley, Rhiana412263233962125
    Bowman Compound Gentlemen       
    Brister, Zachary160155315161169*330*645*
    Bowman Recurve Gentlemen       
    Trafford, Hardy67661337781*158*291*
    Single Day Participants       
    Master 60+ Recurve Gentlemen       
    Rod Ambrose (Saturday)57      
     Senior Recurve Ladies       
    Budge, Tegan (Saturday)109      
    Lawton, Holly (Saturday)112      
    Senior Compound Gentlemen       
    Garner, Dale (Saturday)174      
    Lesak, Mark (Sunday)318      
    Vasek, Dwayne (Sunday)298      
     Junior Compound Ladies       
    Lesak, Meagan (Sunday)290      
  • State Field Championships 2007

    TSAA 2007 State Field Championship

    Despite being bit on Friday by a red wasp that dropped into my shirt, getting poison oak/ivy on my arms/legs, accidentally standing too long on an ant mound, minor sun burn, some wind burn and a few mosquito bites, the 25th annual TSAA State Field Championship went off with only a minor glitch or two. And all the above happened to me! The temperature was held in check by a wind that played havoc on the archers but this hardy bunch of TSAA folks managed to shoot and have fun. You never know what is going to happen at the State Field when it is staged at the Blaschke Deer Farm. After many, many hours of preparation setting up the field, three days before the event, a torrential downpour dropped 6-8 inches of water in the area and the course had to be changed at the last minute. Fortunately this only involved 6 or 7 targets. There was a good-side bad-side to this rain. The bad side was it blocked the only two roads/trails from target 24 that leads back to the staging area. The good side was the shuttle ride took the archers through the high fence area where John and Victor supplied the kids with corn to through alongside the road. This brought some of the exotic deer as close as 20 feet for some spectacular photos of Axis, Fallow, Sika, Elk, Elan and others. Tom Barker provided a trailer with custom 2×6 benches that made the shuttle runs a classy operation. Photos to follow on the Barker Bodacious Bench Bus.

    Many thanks go to proprietor Nolan Blaschke for hosting us the last six years and to my co-director John. Thanks goes to the volunteers and helpers who come out on the work days to help set stuff up. These work days are not all work so make it a point to come out next year and have some fun mixed in. Adam Guggisberg, Kelly Kennedy, Mike Hojnacki, Ron Harder, Tom Barker, made up the work crew and of course John spends as many countless days out there as I do. Greg gets the gold star this year as he spent three whole days working. I even coerced a co-worker, Jerry Steward, to help me a full day as he will ride his motorcycle anywhere on a nice day. He was amazed as what is involved in a field shoot.

    The family prize and the longest distance traveled goes to the Trafford family. Don Morgan survived quite well at 69 yrs 8 months. The youngsters were Heather Barthels at 9 years and little Hardy Trafford at 7 years and Miriam Trafford at 8. So, this event is for the young and young at heart. Join us next year.

    Rick Stonebraker, TSAA President

    and from co-organizer and squire of the land upon which this event is staged:

    For All,

    Many thanks to all the smiling faces that made it out again this year. I am very thankful for all of the new people that I had an opportunity to make friends with and the reuniting of all my old friends. I have a hypothesis that I’m promoting to a theory, there is no such thing as a bad archer; every year this is proven true because you all are such wonderful individuals. I am anxiously looking forward to next year. I would like to extend a personal invitation to everyone to please come back again, and I would hope to see some more new people and hopefully a few more returning for those unfortunate enough who could not return this year.

    Unfortunately for the reality in life, for everything good, there is also the bad. In Field Archery we have the winners and we have losers. I think it is safe to say that everybody that attended can call themselves a winner. For the deer that didn’t have a trailer driving by every 15 minutes and those throwing out bushels of corn, those poor fellas (deer) are definitely losers today. In spite of that, don’t you know they were feeling happy last night with a belly full of corn?

    Thanks everybody!

    John Blaschke

    PS from Rick:  

    Congrats to Adam for blistering the course with a magnificent 701 out of 720, despite the inconsistent winds! 

    TSAA State Field Championship 
    28 new recordsMay 5-6, 2007       
    * Denotes new record  48 archers totalSaturday Total   Sunday  Total  Final 
    Master 70+ Compound MaleMorgan, Don119107226113*137*250*476
    Master 60+ Compound MaleJohnson, Jerry (Guest)103114217112118230447
    Master 50+ Compound MaleBlankenship, Gaylon155169324166*173*339663
     Barker, Tom131158289146147293582
     Anika, Larry D.103127230112121233463
     Ripkoski, Alan145151296000dnf
    Master 50+ Bare Bow MaleJames, Randy  101   dnf
    Master 50+ Recurve MalePetrosky, Gregory77133210104112216426
    Senior Bare Bow FemaleTrafford, Charlene2851796564129208
    Senion Bare Bow MaleTrafford, Skip115122237135136271508
     Vargas, Edward517612768109177304
    Senior Compound FemaleTrue, Lannette135108263144132276539
    Senior Recurve FemaleHolmes, Jennifer121124245114135249494
    Senior Recurve MaleHolmes, Staten161160321158165323644
     Hojnacki, Michael125148273141154295568
     Brown, Gary50621124961110222
    Senior Compound MaleGuggisberg, Adam174177351173177350*701
     Kennedy, Kelly163162325161166327652
     Scroggins, John148165313157158315628
     Dyer, Mark152159311150163313624
     Lesak, Mark150156306144158302608
     Garner, Dale149148297142159301598
     Locke, Richard146144290150156306596
     Human, Joe126143269146149295564
     True, Andy129134263142143285546
    Junior Compound FemaleHeinsohn, Holly143149292138*159297589
     Lesak, Meagan126136262129141270532
    Junior Compound MaleHuman, Joseph154166320161*173*334*654
    Junior Recurve FemaleDeBord, Kayla114127241128*139*267*508
     Petrosky, Simone9272164504999263
    Cadet Compound FemaleMcMinn, Coral143148291154158312603
    Cadet Compound MaleHuman, Benjamin174176*350170*179349*699
     Locke, Justin143165308158170328636
    Cadet Recurve FemaleSchroeder, Jory124117241122116238479
    Cadet Recurve MaleJanota, Tyler102116218*127122*259*477
    Cub Compound MaleDeBord, Clayton155146301133164317618
     Lesak, Chad133126259140136276535
     Tomlinson, Claude133133266144133277543
    Cub Recurve FemaleTrafford, Rachael106115221108112220441
     Trafford, Heather848817291100191263
    Bowman Bare Bow FemaleTrafford, Miriam819417584*102*186*351
    Bowman Bare Bow MaleTrafford, Hardy5860118*7465*139*257
    Bowman Compound FemaleTomlinson, Jessica121143264129146275539
    Bowman Compound MaleBarthels, Hunter158142300*166159*325*625
     Brister, Zachary134129263150162312575
    Bowman Recurve FemaleBarthels, Heather241943414586129
    Bowman Recurve MaleVargas, Nicholas444084403676160
  • State Field Championships 2006


    May 13-14, 2006
    As always, a special thanks to Nolan Blaschke for allowing all of us to have fun on his exotic deer ranch. Many thanks to my co-TD John Blaschke for all his tireless efforts in making this a success. A special thanks to all those who came out and lent a hand in setting up the field – some came out more than once. Thanks goes to: Tom Barker, Greg Petrosky, Ron Harder, Steve Jurek, Mike Holman, Victor Legler, Ken and Lou Eilers, Norm McCord, Dale Garner, Deidra Dufault, and to Janet Lesak and Kathy Adams for doing the administrative work on the day of the event. If I forgot anyone, send me a note and jog my memory as any omissions were unintentional.

    Thanks to the Colorado County JOAD club for creating T-shirts for the event. This was a first ever and there are several shirts still available. They are really cool as they display the archery course on the back of the shirt to insure that no one could possible get lost on the course. Contact Janet Lesak.  

    Shirt Graphics: 


    The weather cooperated and it was dry. It was also hot and it was windy, very windy. One of the very few field shoots that has wind affecting the scores. We will make an extra special effort to move this event away from Mothers Day next year. We normally have the state field two weeks following the Texas Shootout to allow for field set-up but if we have to go back-to-back weekends, then we will do so to allow the moms to have that day for themselves and give “permission” to the dads to come play archery.

    When some of the kids send in their special stories from this years state field, we will add them to the report. In the meantime, I will add my funny moment.

    Target #5 is an uphill 20 meter shot. I aimed at the upper left face. I set the site CORRECTLY but still managed to shoot the arrow OVER the target. Dale Garner said he could see it climb for as long as his eyes could see it. We briefly looked for it after scoring but another group was behind us. Later Saturday afternoon, due to the kindness of Richard Locke, Lynnette and Andy True, we went back to #5. Richard stood adjacent to the target, Andy was adjacent and part way down the hill and Annette hid behind target #6 down in the mud flats. I used an older ACE arrow with a hidden crack in it that I considered expendable. When I shot over the target, Richard dropped his raised hand to signal to Andy who did the same for Lynette and all three got a good bead on the flight of the arrow. Not only did it clear the near tree tops but went clean over a couple more tall trees on the far hill almost 150 yards away. There are many hollows out there and we combed them for over half an hour. Finally Andy gave a shout and we climbed up-and-down many hills and found the expensive X-10 shaft sticking in the side of the hill almost 375 yards away. We never bothered to look for the ACE arrow – maybe another day. Thanks to the three hardy archers who helped me find my “briefly” lost X-10.

    As always, if anyone finds an error in the results, please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible but I “tried” to interpret the hieroglyphic score cards as best I could.

    Rick Stonebraker

    From the peanut gallery:

    Clayton shot at a gopher at (about target 17, neither of us can remember exactly where, I’m sure Tom can tell you exactly where.) He missed. However, Colby Hensel, shot and killed the gopher on Sunday, there is a (cross) tombstone at the site. Clayton shot and killed a gopher on Target 2 or there about on Sunday. We really enjoyed the course this year. Very enjoyable. A good way to enjoy Mother’s Day weekend with my kids!!!!



    I enjoyed the 2006 State Field Championship, especially getting to meet some really nice people. Getting to shoot with great archers like Debbie Krienke and Staten Holmes was a special treat. On Sunday towards the end of the day our foursome noticed something unusual. It looked like a prankster had placed a 3D target next to our target. But, since we were at Blaschke’s Exotic Deer Ranch we knew that there was another possibility. Sure enough, when Jordan Brown’s first arrow hit the 5 ring, the 3D target …er, the deer took off! 

    Note: The photo in the photo gallery shows an exotic deer standing right beside the target when the shot was taken.
    Norman McCord


    * denotes new records (16).  Sat  SunTotal
    Master 60+ Compound Male       
    Don Morgan117116233124121245478
    Master 50+ Compound Male       
    Larry Anika123116239133127260499
    Master Guest Compound Male       
    Chon Gonzales159161320160148308628
    Mike Reynolds156151307DNF
    Master 50+ Recurve Ladies       
    Liz Adams68*621306765132*262*
    Senior Recurve Male       
    Staten Holmes164161325*164158322647*
    Greg Petrosky103130233144131275508
    Norman McCord1041142188294176394
    Rick Stonebraker139141280dnf
    Senior Compound Ladies       
    Lannette True119126245110124234479
    Senior Recurve Ladies       
    Debbie Krienke125143264127137268532
    Sage Adams7811619310999208401
    Senior Compound Male       
    Adam Guggisberg171172343168171339682
    Jeff Krienke161167328173173346674
    Michael Gonzales165164329170171341670
    Ron Harder166163329148166314643
    Richard Locke160163323147162309632
    Mark Lesak161156317154141295612
    Dale Garner144153297153158311608
    Andy True158156314139153292606
    Joe Human134142276156145301577
    Kelly Kennedy***165151316316
    Junior Compound Ladies       
    Holly Heinsohn144141285143143286571
    Junior Compound Male       
    Joseph Human163154317164*161325*642*
    Junior Recurve Ladies       
    Lyndsey Marzec113120223115130245478
    Junior Recurve Male       
    Jordan Brown122113225235
    Cadet Compound Ladies       
    Meagan Lesak129155284157159*316600
    Cadet Compound Male       
    Benjamin Human172*171343*168169337680*
    Justin Locke155149304149147296600
    Shelby Hensel135132267123156279546
    Bryce Brown121131252147120267519
    Cadet Recurve Ladies       
    Kayla DeBord98116214127115242456
    Jory Schroeder110124234100114220454
    Alicia Jurek77551328175156288
    Cub Compound Male       
    Clayton DeBord154158312151164315627
    Claude Tomlinson97111208106125231439
    Cub Recurve Male       
    Alex Jones121111232119126244476*
    Cub Recurve Ladies       
    Diana Jurek5637934761108201
    Bowman Compound Male       
    Chad Lesak151156307160*152312*619*
    Thomas Human127143270140151291561
    Colby Hensel140134274123145268542
    Bowman Recurve Male       
    Patrick Phelps79941736769126299
    Bowman Compound Ladies       
    Jessica Tomlinson116110226104104208434
  • State Field Championships 2005

    2005 TSAA State Field Championship
    Eagle Lake, Texas

    The state field was held on the Blaschke exotic deer ranch for the fourth consecutive year with 45 participants and was enjoyed by all, especially the youth. The weather was absolutely beautiful and windy as usual. John Blaschke and I were privileged once again to host this event to the enjoyment of everyone and we had a blast putting it together and tired bones to prove it. A record number of snakes (about a dozen) were observed. Two water moccasins were claimed by very accurate archers. Yours truly chased a chicken snake up a bush and you can see that photo in the gallery. Alligators were spotted before and during the tournament and one was active in a water hole that archers actually shot over, thank goodness no one lost an arrow in there.

    A personal thanks to those who came out before, during and after the tournament to help make the event a success. All of your help was much appreciated as it is a big undertaking and could possibly be the only field event in the country or world where the whole course has to be set up and taken back down again. This is due to the hundreds of exotic deer that inhabit the range. Deer enjoy rubbing their antlers on the archery stands and knocking them over. Over the course of two weeks prior to the event, seven stands had to be re-set and four completely rebuilt. One stand was knocked completely off the hill landing on the top of a thorn tree. But the effort is worth it as long as everyone has fun.

    A special thanks to Tom Barker for recruiting and bringing about 20 archers from the Victoria area. As a JOAD coach, the most common feedback he received from his archers when asked how they were shooting was, “I don’t know, but I sure am having fun.” For the South Texas Archery contingent, this was a two-day party that was occasionally interrupted by shooting arrows. Tom adds his personal thanks for all the adults that took some time to help a kid with their form or who patiently helped them pull arrows or work their score sheet.

    See ya’ll again next year. Rick Stonebraker
    John and Rick

    John Blashke adds:
    A special thanks to everybody for attending and supporting this event. I look forward to state field all year long. Yes it is true, there is an amazing amount of work and effort that goes into setting up this tournament, My hats off to all my friends who were stomping around in the bull nettles and burning grass and poison ivy who toughed it out with me to make the tournament a success. A very-very special thanks to all of those who were in attendance, the smiles and enjoyment I saw from all the tired and wore out souls from slipping and sliding up and down all those hills, the braving of snake and alligator infested waters, brings tears to my eyes that the alligators didn’t snatch up an archer. Several arrows were lost but we never lost an archer. Thanks everybody for coming out, it made every minute worth while.
    John Blaschke

    NOTE: Due to the challenging nature of the Blaschke Deer Farm course, Rick has
    included a # to show course records for the Seniors and Masters only. All
    the Junior/Cadet/Cub/Bowman state records have been broken on the Deer Farm
    course as of 2002. Several Senior and Master records were set on flat field
    courses that probably will not get broken at the deer ranch but we would
    like to recognize those archers who shot exceptionally well. See also the
    state field records. Rick Stonebraker 

    2005 TSAA State Field Championship
    April 9-10
    Eagle Lake, Texas
    * Indicates a new record, # indicates course record       
     round 1round 2Day 1round 3round 4Day 2Total
    Master 60+ Compound Male Guest       
    Don Morgan117136253119130249502
    Master 50+ Compound Male       
    Gaylon Blankenship161165326170167337*663*
    Larry Anika124101225113121234459
    Jerry Ranker??313000313
    Senior Compound Male Guest       
    Michael Beck150165315164169333648
    Richard Locke120137257138144282539
    Billy Wickliffe941041981069420039
    Senior Recurve Male       
    Staten Holmes153163316156159315631
    Wyatt Misenheimer119123242125119244486
    Greg Petrosky110112222115118233455
    Michael Hersey95931888789176364
    Senior Recurve Female       
    Cindy Menn959018595104199384
    Senior Compound Female       
    Melissa Ceballos147141288136151287575
    Senior Compound Male       
    Adam Guggisberg174173347177172349696#
    Shelby Fischer137149286140153293579
    Tom Barker135135270146135281551
    Mark Lesak109111220140125265485
    Joe Human121113234135116251485
    Junior Recurve Male       
    Jake Misenheimer114126240133147280520
    Junior Compound Female       
    Holly Heinsohn148137285140147287572
    Junior Compound Male       
    Aaron Faldyn109132241107133*240481
    Cadet Recurve Female       
    Lyndsey Marzec112108220129125254*474
    Simone Petrosky748115593102195350
    Alicia Jurek92821748483167341
    Cadet Compound Female       
    Meagan Lesak132134266119141260526
    Cadet Compound Male       
    Kenny Holcomb151166*317151159310627*
    Shelby Hensel155149304157156313617
    Bryce Wickliffe153152305147155302607
    Joseph Human136145281??294575
    Clayton Fischer137151288130139269557
    Cub Recurve Female       
    Kayla DeBord145147292151157*308*600*
    Jory Schroeder124128252131129260512
    Cub Recurve Male       
    Tyler Janota000132122254254
    Cub Compound Male       
    Benjamin Human170158328173158331659
    Justin Locke153142295159152311616
    Carson Wickliffe151112263138139277540
    Cub Compound Female       
    Danielle Rachunek145157*302147143290592
    Bowman Recurve Male       
    Alex Jones146147293130143273566
    Colton Fischer127107234132126258492
    Bowman Compound Male       
    Clayton DeBord138151289150140290579
    Thomas Human139120259139118257516
    Colby Hensel116119235120134254489
    Chad Lesak117120237129106235472
    Brandon Rachunek125111236120112232468
    Bowman Compound Female       
    Coral McMinn 172174*346*158155313659
  • State Field Championships 2004

    State Field 2004

    2004 TSAA State Field Summary
    by Tournament director, Rick Stonebraker 

    Wet, wild, and wonderful! Sounds like a day at Splashtown or some other water park. But it was just another exciting day on the field course. The weatherman predicted rain the weekend of May 1-2 and they were right on. The weekend before was actually worse as the field crew waited patiently all day long, looking for a break in the weather to set up the field course. It took a full two days to do what it normally takes in one day but fun was had by all. Preliminary work was done the previous weekends to help alleviate predicted weather.  

    On Friday, the field crew had a good day to set up the matts and do final preparation for the opening round on Saturday. The unmarked round on Saturday morning was cancelled due to the storm. Those who came for the unmarked and those who came early for the marked round, huddled together in the ranch house and watched the weather reports and satellite predictions. Others sat around playing cards and enjoying the camaraderie that only archers can do. A tornado touched down 20 miles north but you would have thought it set down closer as two of the tent canopies were destroyed.

    The BBQ was moved from the ranch house to the new barn where there was plenty of room. The cooks did a great job with the elk roast this year. Those who mingled and ate in the barn had a great time just waiting out the weather. Starting time of 1:30 was delayed until 2:30 and the rain stopped. Only a few sprinkles for awhile but the weather held for the first day while everyone braved the winds and the pools of water at the lower level targets. TD Stonebraker sent multiple warnings during the week to bring rubber boots so those who heeded, bravely sloshed through the water to score and remove arrows. Those in shoes and sneakers waited for others to score or waded through the water but no one complained. The amazing part was the resiliency of archers who brave the elements and still have a good time shooting field. Several groups did not finish until 8 pm Saturday evening.

    Sunday was met with a beautiful blue sky and mild temperatures but the winds never subsided. Stonebraker exclaimed in all the years he has shot archery (there have been a few), this was the windiest field shoot he could recall. This is the third consecutive year that the event was held at the Blaschke Exotic Deer Ranch and it was also the most exciting. A record 73 registered this year and only 10 no-shows so the attendance of 63 was still a record, topping the 59 from the year before. Which means – next year should be even better!

     Additional comments: 

    David Gillis Adds: We just wanted to let all of you know that your hard work was appreciated. As we were driving from Seguin to Columbus on Saturday morning I told my van full of archers that it was a real shame all the work that was done to bring this thing off was sure to be wasted. This was while I was driving in a blinding thunder storm. I could not see ahead more than 30′. I pulled into the ranch and the pouring rain didn’t give me much hope. Being an officer in the TFAA I knew what it took to put this tournament together. But in my humble opinion the way it turned out was great. The range was in terrific shape, far better than anyone would have ever thought. This was due to the effort you guys put into it. 

     If archers want to have fun, I guess you just can’t stop ’em. We look forward to this tournament more and more every time we attend. We can’t wait until next year. 

    The Gillis family thanks you for your hard work.
    David, Chris, Kathy and Roxi

    TSAA Prez Mike Hojnacki adds:  After many years of shooting state and National Field courses, this one by far was the most fun and the most challenged that I have been to. It never amazes me how you can get different angles and different shooting pictures from just changing a stake by a foot or two. Some of those sky shots had me thinking I was launching to the Moon! And boy that wind was a great equalizer for most people, except Staten Holmes, this year’s recurve winner. I had the pleasure of shooting with him and let me tell you, the wind did not seem to bother him, or maybe he just said more prayers and got better wind conditions. Anyway, another great field shooting event, maybe we can bid for a National event one year? Just kidding….or maybe not… 

    Luis Martinez adds:   We had a blast it was a very nice tournament an extremely challenging course and a very well organized competition…CONGRATULATIONS!

    The DeBord Family Adds: 

    Even though I had 5 layers of clothes on Saturday, once again we all agree this is the most fun shoot of the year.  The water and mud just made it a little more fun for all of the little boys this year!! Once again, a job well done! THANKS

    State Field 2004

      2004 TSAA State Field Championship   
      May 1-2   
      Eagle Lake, Texas   
     * Indicates a new record        
      round 1round 2Day 1round 3round 4Day 2Total 
     Master 60+ Compound Male        
     Jarvis, George137146283151*149300*583* 
     Hendrickson, Jerry145143288138138276564 
     Master 50+ Compound Male        
     Ranker, Jerry171*161332*162159321653* 
     Master 50+ Compound Male Guest        
     Gillis, David155147302147147294596 
     Kubecka, Dick136133269141130271540 
     Senior Recurve Male        
     Holmes, Staten164155319158160318637 
     Hojnacki, Mike149136285147146293578 
     Stonebraker, Rick149138287142148290577 
     Hardy Ward135125260138127265525 
     Misenheimer, Wyatt137131268132106238506 
     Gauldin, Nathan10691197104103207404 
     Senior Recurve Female        
     Milchanowski, Kristin117122239136125261500 
     Eissinger, Kathy128119247134118252499 
     Menn, Cindy121952167780157373 
     Summers, Ashley4744914556101192 
     Mummey, Megan232851273562113 
     Senior Recurve Male Guest        
     Nguyen, Ryan374380433275155 
     Senior Barebow Male        
     Trafford, Skip145132277142128270547 
     Steenken, Beau42388027027107 
     Senior Barebow Female        
     Ehrich, Kristine118*99217*108100208425* 
     Senior Compound Female        
     Dawson, Amber168161329*169*154323652* 
     Blaschke, Candice8373156133107240396 
     Senior Compound Male        
     Guggisberg, Adam171172343179174353696 
     Lafayette, Travis173167340171163334674 
     Miller, Cassidy173158331169168337668 
     Blankenship, Gaylen165164329167163330659 
     Kennedy, Kelly163160323170162332655 
     Garner, Dale157155312155150305617 
     McMinn, Norman148160308157143300608 
     Barker, Tom136140276139145284560 
     Human, Joe115113228107104211439 
     Locke, Richard91831748483167341 
     Blaschke, John000146150296296 
     Senior Compound Male Guest        
     Parrish, Tom167159326161155316642 
     Leger, Mike140158298154143297595 
     Connally, Kench147138285153139292577 
     Marinez, Luis145136281152134286567 
     Gillis, Chris124122246113112225471 
     Lesak, Mark113112225118120238463 
     Senior Compound Female Guest        
     Martinez, Malena11011422410296198422 
     Gillis, Kathy9812021810196197415 
     Junior Recurve Male        
     Misenheimer, Jake137141*278157130287*565* 
     Barker, Kevin121120241137130267508 
     Junior Recurve Female        
     Adams, Sage121136*257*113130243500* 
     Junior Compound Female        
     Heinsohn, Holly151149300*155*143298598* 
     Gillis, Roxi153144297151141292589 
     Cadet Recurve Female        
     Marzec, Lyndsey130123253*122123245498 
     Cadet Compound Male        
     Human, Joseph93121214150133283497 
     Cadet Compound Male Guest        
     Quattrini, Matthew152160312155160315627 
     Cub Recurve Female        
     DeBord, Kayla136149285156*140296*581* 
     Petrosky, Simone130129259126146272531 
     Cub Compound Male        
     Human, Ben143149292142156*298590 
     Locke, Justin122138260147142289549 
     Cub Compound Female        
     Lesak, Meagan150130280153*129282562 
     Bowman Recurve Male        
     Janota, Tyler153134287156*154310*597* 
     Jones, Alex136131267136117253520 
     Bowman Compound Male        
     DeBord, Clayton152*151303144145289592 
     Whetstine, John135121256135131266522 
     Lesak, Chad133123256127128255511 
     Human, Thomas113103216128126254470 
     Bowman Compound Female        
     McMinn, Coral155*153308148148296604 
     Bowman Barebow Female        
     Trafford, Heather00020*1131*31* 
  • State Field Championships 2003

    2003 TSAA State Field Championship
    May 10-11, 2003
    Eagle Lake, Texas

    In 2001 at Buffalo Field archers in Houston, the record was tied at 24 archers.
    In 2002 at Eagle Lake, there was a 50% increase for a record 39 archers.
    In 2003 at Eagle Lake, there was another 50% increase for yet another record of 59 archers.
    To say the least, field archery in the TSAA is rising because the kids found another round to explore and enjoy. The weather was hot and humid but a good time was enjoyed by all. 

    The owner of the Exotic Deer Farm, Nolan Blaschke, gave a special treat this year by offering an ELK BBQ to all the archers and it was received very well. Lots of good eats before everyone attacked the range with enthusiasm. The course had to be changed due to increased rains and soft spots on part of last years course. 

    The tournament directors (John Blaschke and myself) took liberty by increasing the difficulty of the targets and everyone still had a good time. The typical wind was present for the first day but very little wind the second day. A light sprinkle during the afternoon brought some much-needed cooler weather the second day and the whole event was rated a success. Rick Stonebraker 

    2003 TSAA State Field Championship
    Ladies Compound Bowman
    Coral McMinn340325665
    Kayla DeBord306312618
    Ladies Compound Cub
    Meagan Lesak286307593
    Madelyn Pursley291299590
    Ladies Compound Cadet
    Roxi Gillis304318622
    Holly Heinsohn301313614
    Samantha Hessong257196453
    Ladies Compound Senior
    Lindsey Kubecka287316603
    Melissa Ceballos230260490
    Candice Blaschke133134267
    Ladies Compound Senior Guest
    Kathy Gillis255263518
    Ladies Recurve Cub
    Simone Petrosky237271508
    Ladies Recurve Cadet
    Andrea Garner132183315
    Ladies Recurve Junior
    Sage Adams218250468
    Ladies Recurve Senior
    Kristin Milchanowski242273515
    Jennifer Holmes219223442
    Gentlemen Compound Bowman
    Clayton DeBord285308593
    John Whetstine274279553
    Benjamin Human241276517
    Matthew Cloessner257253510
    Chad Lesak231263494
    Thomas Human219223442
    Gentlemen Compound Cub
    Joseph Human322313635
    Shane Adams233246479
    Gentlemen Compound Cadet
    Kenny Holcomb297319616
    Ethan Butemeyer289310599
    Gentlemen Compound Cadet Guest
    Matthew Garcia221276497
    Gentlemen Compound Junior
    Trevor Seidel302316618
    Ben Meith2270inc
    Gentlemen Compound Senior
    Adam Guggisberg339354693
    Gaylon Blankenship326344670
    Karl Stolleis310346656
    Travis Lafayette318333651
    Ronnie Bennett310336646
    John Blaschke302331633
    Norm McMinn303311614
    Tom Barker295301596
    Dale Garner280293573
    Donnie Hessong134119253
    Gentlemen Compound Senior Guest
    Leonard Lopez315318633
    David Gillis282320602
    Brian Heinsohn280305585
    Mario Garcia264306570
    Chris Gillis263263526
    Chuck Hall740inc
    Gentlemen Compound Master
    George Jarvis281325606
    Jerry Hendrickson2780inc
    Gentlemen Compound Master Guest
    Dick Kubecka272280552
    Gentlemen Recurve Bowman
    Tyler Janota256278534
    Zack Logan172181353
    Gentlemen Recurve Cub
    Kyle Gerla162255417
    Gentlemen Recurve Junior
    Jake Misenheimer259262521
    Kevin Barker241268509
    Gentlemen Recurve Senior
    Staten Holmes317321638
    Michael Hojnacki288308596
    Wyatt Misenheimer227259486
    Carlton Clark179148327
    Norman McCord540inc
    Gentlemen Barebow Senior Guest
    Skip Trafford237260497
  • State Field Championships 2002

    Adult Male Compound
    Name1st Half2nd HalfFirst Total1st Half2nd HalfSecond TotalGrand TotalHitsFivesXs
    Javier Escobado176177353178173351704*14413077
    Scott Gordon17417334717417735169814412162
    Chris Harris16917033917817735569414411771
    Johnny Ingram16617233817216733967714410647
    Ron Harder164168332   332724716  
    Adult Male Compound Guest
    Adam Guggisberg17617935517817835671114413594
    Bobby Toerck1691593281701693396671439645
    John H. Smith164161325   325724116
    Larry Alloway119125244   24471104  
    Master Male Compound
    Jerry Hendrickson161156318159165*324 642*1418331  
    Adult Male Recurve
    Guy Krueger171175346176*175351*697*14412360
    Rick Stonebraker1641673311661723386691449942
    Staten Holmes1661663321641713356671449640
    James Loesch1551573121591643236351447831
    Ronnie Bennett1501513011581563146151445521
    Mike Hojnacki1501392891561533095981435613
    Tom Parrish1271372641651573225861426525  
    Adult Female Recurve
    Kathy Eissinger161*1423031471522996021445616
    Jennifer Holmes1041172211181142324531392110  
    Adult Barebow
    L.C. Durham1051182231321342664891393211
    Jeff Chambers  6070130 581041622929810
    Adult Female Compound
    Kim Murphy151160*311*1401512916021425919
    Kristine Ehrich1531563091501412916001445517  
    Junior Female Recurve
    Sage Adams831131961301202504461353210  
    Junior Male Recurve
    Sam Mody10511021510911222043513425
    Intermediate Female Compound
    Amanda Raffaelli125132*257*119129240505*1373718