State Field 2004

2004 TSAA State Field Summary
by Tournament director, Rick Stonebraker 

Wet, wild, and wonderful! Sounds like a day at Splashtown or some other water park. But it was just another exciting day on the field course. The weatherman predicted rain the weekend of May 1-2 and they were right on. The weekend before was actually worse as the field crew waited patiently all day long, looking for a break in the weather to set up the field course. It took a full two days to do what it normally takes in one day but fun was had by all. Preliminary work was done the previous weekends to help alleviate predicted weather.  

On Friday, the field crew had a good day to set up the matts and do final preparation for the opening round on Saturday. The unmarked round on Saturday morning was cancelled due to the storm. Those who came for the unmarked and those who came early for the marked round, huddled together in the ranch house and watched the weather reports and satellite predictions. Others sat around playing cards and enjoying the camaraderie that only archers can do. A tornado touched down 20 miles north but you would have thought it set down closer as two of the tent canopies were destroyed.

The BBQ was moved from the ranch house to the new barn where there was plenty of room. The cooks did a great job with the elk roast this year. Those who mingled and ate in the barn had a great time just waiting out the weather. Starting time of 1:30 was delayed until 2:30 and the rain stopped. Only a few sprinkles for awhile but the weather held for the first day while everyone braved the winds and the pools of water at the lower level targets. TD Stonebraker sent multiple warnings during the week to bring rubber boots so those who heeded, bravely sloshed through the water to score and remove arrows. Those in shoes and sneakers waited for others to score or waded through the water but no one complained. The amazing part was the resiliency of archers who brave the elements and still have a good time shooting field. Several groups did not finish until 8 pm Saturday evening.

Sunday was met with a beautiful blue sky and mild temperatures but the winds never subsided. Stonebraker exclaimed in all the years he has shot archery (there have been a few), this was the windiest field shoot he could recall. This is the third consecutive year that the event was held at the Blaschke Exotic Deer Ranch and it was also the most exciting. A record 73 registered this year and only 10 no-shows so the attendance of 63 was still a record, topping the 59 from the year before. Which means – next year should be even better!

 Additional comments: 

David Gillis Adds: We just wanted to let all of you know that your hard work was appreciated. As we were driving from Seguin to Columbus on Saturday morning I told my van full of archers that it was a real shame all the work that was done to bring this thing off was sure to be wasted. This was while I was driving in a blinding thunder storm. I could not see ahead more than 30′. I pulled into the ranch and the pouring rain didn’t give me much hope. Being an officer in the TFAA I knew what it took to put this tournament together. But in my humble opinion the way it turned out was great. The range was in terrific shape, far better than anyone would have ever thought. This was due to the effort you guys put into it. 

 If archers want to have fun, I guess you just can’t stop ’em. We look forward to this tournament more and more every time we attend. We can’t wait until next year. 

The Gillis family thanks you for your hard work.
David, Chris, Kathy and Roxi

TSAA Prez Mike Hojnacki adds:  After many years of shooting state and National Field courses, this one by far was the most fun and the most challenged that I have been to. It never amazes me how you can get different angles and different shooting pictures from just changing a stake by a foot or two. Some of those sky shots had me thinking I was launching to the Moon! And boy that wind was a great equalizer for most people, except Staten Holmes, this year’s recurve winner. I had the pleasure of shooting with him and let me tell you, the wind did not seem to bother him, or maybe he just said more prayers and got better wind conditions. Anyway, another great field shooting event, maybe we can bid for a National event one year? Just kidding….or maybe not… 

Luis Martinez adds:   We had a blast it was a very nice tournament an extremely challenging course and a very well organized competition…CONGRATULATIONS!

The DeBord Family Adds: 

Even though I had 5 layers of clothes on Saturday, once again we all agree this is the most fun shoot of the year.  The water and mud just made it a little more fun for all of the little boys this year!! Once again, a job well done! THANKS

State Field 2004

  2004 TSAA State Field Championship   
  May 1-2   
  Eagle Lake, Texas   
 * Indicates a new record        
  round 1round 2Day 1round 3round 4Day 2Total 
 Master 60+ Compound Male        
 Jarvis, George137146283151*149300*583* 
 Hendrickson, Jerry145143288138138276564 
 Master 50+ Compound Male        
 Ranker, Jerry171*161332*162159321653* 
 Master 50+ Compound Male Guest        
 Gillis, David155147302147147294596 
 Kubecka, Dick136133269141130271540 
 Senior Recurve Male        
 Holmes, Staten164155319158160318637 
 Hojnacki, Mike149136285147146293578 
 Stonebraker, Rick149138287142148290577 
 Hardy Ward135125260138127265525 
 Misenheimer, Wyatt137131268132106238506 
 Gauldin, Nathan10691197104103207404 
 Senior Recurve Female        
 Milchanowski, Kristin117122239136125261500 
 Eissinger, Kathy128119247134118252499 
 Menn, Cindy121952167780157373 
 Summers, Ashley4744914556101192 
 Mummey, Megan232851273562113 
 Senior Recurve Male Guest        
 Nguyen, Ryan374380433275155 
 Senior Barebow Male        
 Trafford, Skip145132277142128270547 
 Steenken, Beau42388027027107 
 Senior Barebow Female        
 Ehrich, Kristine118*99217*108100208425* 
 Senior Compound Female        
 Dawson, Amber168161329*169*154323652* 
 Blaschke, Candice8373156133107240396 
 Senior Compound Male        
 Guggisberg, Adam171172343179174353696 
 Lafayette, Travis173167340171163334674 
 Miller, Cassidy173158331169168337668 
 Blankenship, Gaylen165164329167163330659 
 Kennedy, Kelly163160323170162332655 
 Garner, Dale157155312155150305617 
 McMinn, Norman148160308157143300608 
 Barker, Tom136140276139145284560 
 Human, Joe115113228107104211439 
 Locke, Richard91831748483167341 
 Blaschke, John000146150296296 
 Senior Compound Male Guest        
 Parrish, Tom167159326161155316642 
 Leger, Mike140158298154143297595 
 Connally, Kench147138285153139292577 
 Marinez, Luis145136281152134286567 
 Gillis, Chris124122246113112225471 
 Lesak, Mark113112225118120238463 
 Senior Compound Female Guest        
 Martinez, Malena11011422410296198422 
 Gillis, Kathy9812021810196197415 
 Junior Recurve Male        
 Misenheimer, Jake137141*278157130287*565* 
 Barker, Kevin121120241137130267508 
 Junior Recurve Female        
 Adams, Sage121136*257*113130243500* 
 Junior Compound Female        
 Heinsohn, Holly151149300*155*143298598* 
 Gillis, Roxi153144297151141292589 
 Cadet Recurve Female        
 Marzec, Lyndsey130123253*122123245498 
 Cadet Compound Male        
 Human, Joseph93121214150133283497 
 Cadet Compound Male Guest        
 Quattrini, Matthew152160312155160315627 
 Cub Recurve Female        
 DeBord, Kayla136149285156*140296*581* 
 Petrosky, Simone130129259126146272531 
 Cub Compound Male        
 Human, Ben143149292142156*298590 
 Locke, Justin122138260147142289549 
 Cub Compound Female        
 Lesak, Meagan150130280153*129282562 
 Bowman Recurve Male        
 Janota, Tyler153134287156*154310*597* 
 Jones, Alex136131267136117253520 
 Bowman Compound Male        
 DeBord, Clayton152*151303144145289592 
 Whetstine, John135121256135131266522 
 Lesak, Chad133123256127128255511 
 Human, Thomas113103216128126254470 
 Bowman Compound Female        
 McMinn, Coral155*153308148148296604 
 Bowman Barebow Female        
 Trafford, Heather00020*1131*31*