TSAA 2007 State Field Championship

Despite being bit on Friday by a red wasp that dropped into my shirt, getting poison oak/ivy on my arms/legs, accidentally standing too long on an ant mound, minor sun burn, some wind burn and a few mosquito bites, the 25th annual TSAA State Field Championship went off with only a minor glitch or two. And all the above happened to me! The temperature was held in check by a wind that played havoc on the archers but this hardy bunch of TSAA folks managed to shoot and have fun. You never know what is going to happen at the State Field when it is staged at the Blaschke Deer Farm. After many, many hours of preparation setting up the field, three days before the event, a torrential downpour dropped 6-8 inches of water in the area and the course had to be changed at the last minute. Fortunately this only involved 6 or 7 targets. There was a good-side bad-side to this rain. The bad side was it blocked the only two roads/trails from target 24 that leads back to the staging area. The good side was the shuttle ride took the archers through the high fence area where John and Victor supplied the kids with corn to through alongside the road. This brought some of the exotic deer as close as 20 feet for some spectacular photos of Axis, Fallow, Sika, Elk, Elan and others. Tom Barker provided a trailer with custom 2×6 benches that made the shuttle runs a classy operation. Photos to follow on the Barker Bodacious Bench Bus.

Many thanks go to proprietor Nolan Blaschke for hosting us the last six years and to my co-director John. Thanks goes to the volunteers and helpers who come out on the work days to help set stuff up. These work days are not all work so make it a point to come out next year and have some fun mixed in. Adam Guggisberg, Kelly Kennedy, Mike Hojnacki, Ron Harder, Tom Barker, made up the work crew and of course John spends as many countless days out there as I do. Greg gets the gold star this year as he spent three whole days working. I even coerced a co-worker, Jerry Steward, to help me a full day as he will ride his motorcycle anywhere on a nice day. He was amazed as what is involved in a field shoot.

The family prize and the longest distance traveled goes to the Trafford family. Don Morgan survived quite well at 69 yrs 8 months. The youngsters were Heather Barthels at 9 years and little Hardy Trafford at 7 years and Miriam Trafford at 8. So, this event is for the young and young at heart. Join us next year.

Rick Stonebraker, TSAA President

and from co-organizer and squire of the land upon which this event is staged:

For All,

Many thanks to all the smiling faces that made it out again this year. I am very thankful for all of the new people that I had an opportunity to make friends with and the reuniting of all my old friends. I have a hypothesis that I’m promoting to a theory, there is no such thing as a bad archer; every year this is proven true because you all are such wonderful individuals. I am anxiously looking forward to next year. I would like to extend a personal invitation to everyone to please come back again, and I would hope to see some more new people and hopefully a few more returning for those unfortunate enough who could not return this year.

Unfortunately for the reality in life, for everything good, there is also the bad. In Field Archery we have the winners and we have losers. I think it is safe to say that everybody that attended can call themselves a winner. For the deer that didn’t have a trailer driving by every 15 minutes and those throwing out bushels of corn, those poor fellas (deer) are definitely losers today. In spite of that, don’t you know they were feeling happy last night with a belly full of corn?

Thanks everybody!

John Blaschke

PS from Rick:  

Congrats to Adam for blistering the course with a magnificent 701 out of 720, despite the inconsistent winds! 

TSAA State Field Championship 
28 new recordsMay 5-6, 2007       
* Denotes new record  48 archers totalSaturday Total   Sunday  Total  Final 
Master 70+ Compound MaleMorgan, Don119107226113*137*250*476
Master 60+ Compound MaleJohnson, Jerry (Guest)103114217112118230447
Master 50+ Compound MaleBlankenship, Gaylon155169324166*173*339663
 Barker, Tom131158289146147293582
 Anika, Larry D.103127230112121233463
 Ripkoski, Alan145151296000dnf
Master 50+ Bare Bow MaleJames, Randy  101   dnf
Master 50+ Recurve MalePetrosky, Gregory77133210104112216426
Senior Bare Bow FemaleTrafford, Charlene2851796564129208
Senion Bare Bow MaleTrafford, Skip115122237135136271508
 Vargas, Edward517612768109177304
Senior Compound FemaleTrue, Lannette135108263144132276539
Senior Recurve FemaleHolmes, Jennifer121124245114135249494
Senior Recurve MaleHolmes, Staten161160321158165323644
 Hojnacki, Michael125148273141154295568
 Brown, Gary50621124961110222
Senior Compound MaleGuggisberg, Adam174177351173177350*701
 Kennedy, Kelly163162325161166327652
 Scroggins, John148165313157158315628
 Dyer, Mark152159311150163313624
 Lesak, Mark150156306144158302608
 Garner, Dale149148297142159301598
 Locke, Richard146144290150156306596
 Human, Joe126143269146149295564
 True, Andy129134263142143285546
Junior Compound FemaleHeinsohn, Holly143149292138*159297589
 Lesak, Meagan126136262129141270532
Junior Compound MaleHuman, Joseph154166320161*173*334*654
Junior Recurve FemaleDeBord, Kayla114127241128*139*267*508
 Petrosky, Simone9272164504999263
Cadet Compound FemaleMcMinn, Coral143148291154158312603
Cadet Compound MaleHuman, Benjamin174176*350170*179349*699
 Locke, Justin143165308158170328636
Cadet Recurve FemaleSchroeder, Jory124117241122116238479
Cadet Recurve MaleJanota, Tyler102116218*127122*259*477
Cub Compound MaleDeBord, Clayton155146301133164317618
 Lesak, Chad133126259140136276535
 Tomlinson, Claude133133266144133277543
Cub Recurve FemaleTrafford, Rachael106115221108112220441
 Trafford, Heather848817291100191263
Bowman Bare Bow FemaleTrafford, Miriam819417584*102*186*351
Bowman Bare Bow MaleTrafford, Hardy5860118*7465*139*257
Bowman Compound FemaleTomlinson, Jessica121143264129146275539
Bowman Compound MaleBarthels, Hunter158142300*166159*325*625
 Brister, Zachary134129263150162312575
Bowman Recurve FemaleBarthels, Heather241943414586129
Bowman Recurve MaleVargas, Nicholas444084403676160