2010 TSAA State Field Championship Summary
By TD Rick Stonebraker 

2010 State Field Wrap-Up
What a wonderful weekend! We had a lot of newbie’s this year and glad to have them and hope they return. The weather on the second day was as cool as could be and very much appreciated by all. Many hours and days go into setting up this temporary state field event and it is not possible without the assistance of the TSAA members who come out on various weekends to do whatever it takes to make this event possible. Even to the point of cutting vines at the base of hundreds of cottonwood trees that choke the life out of them; and no one came away unscathed without the itching that comes along with poisonous vines. But, it has to be done and more of that needs to be done but our work parties are more than work. It is an opportunity to come out, be among friends, BBQ, bring your favorite weapon as we blow up things. In the evening, we watch across the prairie as hundreds of exotic deer graze.
Speaking of exotic, on the Wednesday just before the event, John and I lassoed a five-foot alligator to get it out of harms’ way and the morning of the event, Ed Vargas nearly stepped on a rattlesnake. It was killed and grilled for lunch. Gina said it was good!

A major thanks to Nolan Blaschke for his generous support of his land and the use of his enormous LODGE for lodging, dining, and restroom facilities. When I say thanks, it is not me personally (although I certainly appreciate help) but it is the archery community that says thanks to all who come out to make this a huge success. And those who stay afterwards to disassemble the course and put it away for next year. Too many to name there but their assistance is appreciated.

Many records were set this year, especially the Master 50+ barebow division. Both gentlemen broke all the previous records. It is always a shame when one breaks the current records but comes in second place. That shows competitive spirit and character.

Thanks to the 40 participants from the South Texas Archery club or customers of Straight Arrow Archery Learning Center. Without these young archers, archery cannot grow. “Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?”

In rodeo, they give out the “Hard-Luck” award to a cowboy or cowgirl who takes the biggest tumble during the rodeo. A “Hard-Luck” award goes to Roderick Ambrose this year. This courageous stroke survivor took a major tumble on this not-so-kind course, got back up, dusted himself off, completed the round on Saturday and came back on Sunday to finish the event; that takes tenacity and guts. Way-to-go Rod!  You the man!  Too many stories to write down so hope to see you all next year. 

Rick Stonebraker – Tournament Director

Comments from others attending:

“Great Job!!!This was are first time to shoot Field.My son had a wonderful time.Thanks for all the hard work.This is his first year shooting TSAA & JOAD so we are learning.Thanks again, Staci Frerich”

28 new records established* New record  (previous records)
Master 60+ Recurve Gentlemen    000
Rod Ambrose2824523717*54*106
Master 60+ Barebow Gentlemen    137273519
Skip Trafford139123262129*143272*534
Master 50+ Barebow Gentlemen    67119251
Mel Sowell114120234*122113*235*469
Randy Koopman1141142289697193421
Master 50+ Compound Gentlemen    185368720
John Scroggins170175345180*188*368713
Joe Human178169347170170340687
Greg Haynes119131250121106227477
Chris Faidley739917293108201373
Adult Compound Gentlemen    199390773
Benjamin Human178184363191187378741
Jesse Johnson181178359182171353712
Keith Vinson170175345175172347692
Ed Vargas148139287163171334621
Mark Lesak132155287137143280567
Shawn Gaskamp136118254142130272526
Kenneth Webb111126237122113235472
Brian Knezek (Guest)158165323nanana323
Adult Recurve Gentlemen    175347679
Earle Bubba Bateman155157312164160324636
Mike Hojnacki147148295156154310605
Max Sera  (sat only)138149284nanana284
Adult Recurve Ladies    161311620
Amy Miller (Sun)nanana11181192192
Adult Barebow Ladies    121229408
Charlene Trafford110115225107119226*451
Jenny Strobbe (Sun only)nananajustshotforfun
Adult Barebow Gentlemen    151299584
Tim Mundon142152293146*162*308*601
Vincent Zunker1029619811695211409
 Junior Recurve Ladies    139273541
Rachael Trafford127108235138126264499
Junior Compound Ladies    159300598
Meagan Lesak151146297*161159*320*617
Junior Compound Gentlemen    189376748
Hunter Barthels157163320162160322642
Justin Locke162149311157160313624
Cadet Recurve Ladies    155291565
Heather Trafford150130280153149*302*582
Cadet Recurve Gentlemen    135258492
Daniel LeBlanc (sat only)107102209nanana209
Cadet Compound Ladies    159318622
Victoria Haynes  154157311*173146*319*630
KayLeigh Rogers142154296160148308604
Allison Williams142151293155132287580
Cadet Compound Gentlemen    182358709
Zachary Webb160155315148154302617
Chad Lesak136149285155167322607
Thomas Dentler120145265142151293558
Cody Garrett127117244132129260504
Cub Recurve Ladies    159305571
Miriam Trafford142141283142142284567
Elizabeth Haynes 108112220116122238458
Cub Recurve Gentlemen    162255476
Collin Klimitchek131128259142146*288*547
Vlad Roush1826447263277
Cub Compound Gentlemen    197391772
Rowdy Zunker174172346188165353699
Colton Knipling141149290157172329619
Thomas Followwill 155163318143146289607
Justin Holcomb143133270133119257528
Zachery Brister12498222120130250472
Bowman Recurve Ladies    180348665
Heather Barthels91103194109109218412
Holly Gaskamp84871716872140311
Bowman Recurve Gentlemen    156310597
Mitchell Green899118010490194374
Bowman Compound Ladies    179346674
Adriana Zunker147161308162157319627
Bowman Compound Gentlemen    169331645
Tristan Frerich163163326169*173*342*668
Wyatt Koricanck134136270160172313583
Calvert Green104121225125124249474
Matthew Holcomb6693159106122228387
Tanner Koricanek54591135979138251
Dustin Bennett (Sat only) 115109224nanana224
Bowman Barebow Gentlemen    122242470
Hardy Trafford101106207114*148*242450